Transportation to/from practice is NOT provided.  Parents are responsible for coordinating transportation needs.  CGMS students can wait quietly in the hall near the pool after school until practice begins.  Carpooling from Park to CGMS or Oltman to CGMS needs to be arranged through the driver and the parents.  The booster club and coaches cannot arrange rides for you.  We can let you know who is available to give rides for you to contact directly.  If you are in need of help connecting to potential drivers please contact the BOOSTER CLUB at or the captains and we will try to help with carpool ideas.  Please be at the school within 15 minutes of practice end time to pick up your daughter! 


Transportation is provided for away meets only.  Usually pick up and drop off is at Park High School but occasionally will be Cottage Grove Middle School.  This will be communicated before the meet in the Remind 101 appCoaches have other responsibilities to tend to and cannot leave until all students have been picked up.  Please be on time for pickup from practice and meets.